Our Newsletter

Keeping you Abreast

Your Bridge to the African World

Welcome to the long awaited New Year, 2012! Since we are working on cross-cultural branding, and the first weekend of 2012, Ethiopians and those that follow the Julian Calendar celebrate Christmas; we send you the 1st newsletter by emphasizing on the importance of TIME as it marks social interactions, and business transactions.

In our 1st Newsletter of 2012, it is with great pleasure and honor, I express my message of best wishes for the New Year. On behalf of Afrolehar, I wish everyone a plentiful, successful, and healthy Year.

I take this opportunity to update you about Afrolehar, as we look “to be your bridge to the African World” by continuing to provide integrated marketing and communications services. We look forward to serving, collaborating, and partnering with you to execute impactful results.

We share 2011 highlights by acknowledging and expressing our gratitude for the business, and appreciation for the relationships.

I thank everyone distinctively, and extend my special thanks to everyone that has worked with us throughout the years and continue to build "African-narratives".

Once again, I thank you and take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful and prosperous year 2012. Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to working with you.

Rahel G.
Master Key
Afrolehar LLC

AL Highlights

“ Paul Sika, a young Ivory Coast photographer who calls his photography “photomaking”, has been managed by Afrolehar LLC since 2009, and in 2011, we were able to secure his first publishing contract with a reputable publisher based in Chicago, Illinois- Archaia Comics. The book will be published in 2012. Visit www.paulsika.com.”

"We traveled to Cotonou Benin to work on the video and audio production of the Global Youth Innovation Network program, and provided our creative strategies services in the production of the marketing and communications materials like the participants handbook, and products book.”

“ We promoted fundraisers related to HIV/AIDS and cancer amongst Africans (in the US and Abroad), and War Rape in the Congo (DRC).”

“We are working on a couple of documentary productions, and we share the tentative titles of one of our productions 1919: African relations Pioneers and one of our co-productions Signal Strength.”

“ We produced online platforms and here is an example of a website that we invite you to visit: www.programs4africa.org. We also just published our new platform: www.afrolehar.com. We welcome your feedback.”

On our corner, the first quarter of 2012, we will be publishing two online platforms that will be outlets to the African world. Both platforms are multiphase and will be upgraded throughout the year. We will make sure to keep you abreast with our monthly newsletters.