African Apex Organizations will be the catalyst for ACFTA Successful Implementation by Samuel Mwamburi Mwale
October 29, 2020 AfCFTA / africa / Business / Covid19 / Free Trade Agreement / FTA / investment / Kenya / Trade
The Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) provides a unique opportunity to transform the continent’s economic and political future in the 21st century. For too long, Africa has traded with the rest of the world. Intra continental trade in exports was at about 17 percent for Africa in 2017. For the Asia, intra-regional exports trade was 60 percent, and between 50 and 75 percent for the European Union. In North America, 85 percent of exports for Canada and Mexico went to the US. Globally, it is mainly Africa, Latin America, and Oceania that trade more with the rest of the…