December 10, 2014     / /

It is upon our 5th year anniversary that we remember the journey and the mission that brought us to where we are today. At Afrolehar, we cherish the relationship between African communities and the places where it’s Diaspora live today. This is why we have partnered with many clients over the years to produce cost-effective solutions that enhance programs and impacts communities.

We seek to break down “the single story” produced in popular culture, as the Nigerian Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie would call it. We seek to incubate and interact with the talent, innovation, and quality that is coming from those engaged with the continent. We are storytellers, as bold as traditional narrators of the past, through each website we design, digital campaign we strategize, and each brand we incubate. Each story is a little different but the mission of each one is the same; to birth creative imagery that captures an audience and creates an innovative legacy.

Since I was first asked to join Afrolehar it has been a great honor to add my story to the team. I had worked with the team on 2 projects in the past, while I was interning for a non-profit and Afrolehar managed the digital branding and developed the program for our Africa department. They delivered the online platform, and I was trained to be the content manager. Shortly after that, we traveled together to Benin where I assisted in the documentation of the launch of The Global Youth Innovation Network, a network of young entrepreneurs from all over the world.

I remember my early conversations with  Rahel, Afrolehar’s founder, when it became clear that we were like-minded and that we would continue to build in the future. Fast-forward to today, after a fellowship in France, a fellowship at an Internet strategy company, and living in West Africa for 15 months, Rahel and I connected again, and here I am now an Associate at Afrolehar. I engage with their team everyday, which has proven to be one of the best learning experiences of my life. Coming from a non-profit communications, new media, and development background, I was eager to jump into the business space and I cannot think of a better company within which to take on this endeavor.

I want to personally thank you all that have been an Afrolehar supporter! It is because of you, our followers, clients, and partners, that we are here today, celebrating our 5th year. Thank you for your support and collaboration. We know that the best is yet to come, and it is through our remembrance that we will find the inspiration to continue striving towards Afrolehar’s vision.

I will be posting blogs each month on topics important to our company, our new brands, and highlights our projects and clients.
So stayed tuned!

If you would like to be a guest blogger, we would love to work with you! Please contact me via abigail@afrolehar.com.

Peace and blessings to everyone during this holiday season!

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